SBS News Report: Crackdown on False Advertising and Renting Standards in Victoria


A new task force in Victoria aims to target rule-breaking landlords and real estate agents who violate the state's rental standards laws. They will face hefty fines of up to $57,000 for companies and $11,000 for individuals if found guilty.

Task Force Objectives

The task force will crack down on false advertising, renting out properties that do not meet minimum standards, and failure to lodge bonds. It will start responding to complaints this year and will be staffed by intelligence analysts, inspectors, investigators, and lawyers.

Rental Minimum Standards

Rental minimum standards in Victoria include having a functional kitchen, lockable external doors, and being structurally sound and waterproof. Allowing a renter to move into a property that does not meet these standards is a criminal offense and attracts penalties of more than $57,000 for companies and $11,000 for individuals.

Reporting Potential Illegal Conduct

The task force will be run by Consumer Affairs Victoria and will allow the public to report potential illegal conduct to its intelligence team and upload evidence like photos through its website.


The crackdown on false advertising and renting standards in Victoria is a significant step towards ensuring the well-being of renters and upholding rental standards laws in the state.

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